
Begin your staking journey with Polimec by delegating your PLMC to the collator(s) of your choice. To delegate your PLMC, visit Polimec's staking dashboard.

Staking Metrics

  • Block Time: ~12 seconds

  • Minimum Delegation: 50 PLMC*

  • First Rewards Payout Delay: ~12 hours (3,600 blocks or 2 rounds)

  • Round Duration/Rewards Payout Frequency: ~6 hours (1,800 blocks or 1 round)

  • Rewards Payout: 90% to delegators and 10% to collators

  • Unstaking Period: ~168 hours/7 days (50,400 blocks or 28 rounds)

  • Maximum Delegators per Collator: 300

*The minimum delegation of 50 PLMC may vary depending on the number of delegators per collator. This is subject to delegator exhaustion, with a current cap of 300 delegators per collator.

Staking on Polimec

Parachains like Polimec can benefit from Polkadot’s security architecture by introducing collators. Akin to validators on the Relay Chain, in parachain networks, collators play a critical role in maintaining the parachain’s functionality by aggregating transactions from users on the parachain and generating for Relay Chain validators.

For this purpose, collators maintain a full node for the Relay Chain and another one for the corresponding parachain. This enables collators to retain all necessary information to author new blocks and execute transactions. In the normal course of operations, transactions are collated and executed to produce an unsealed block, which is furnished, along with a proof-of-validity (PoV), to one or multiple validators responsible for proposing a parachain block.

Similar to nominated proof-of-stake (NPoS), where DOT holders can participate as nominators, Polimec’s delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) mechanism enables PLMC holders to act as delegators. By delegating PLMC to collators, delegators are eligible to receive rewards in PLMC in return. This process, referred to as staking, closely mirrors the procedure for DOT holders on the Relay Chain. During staking PLMC, a staking lock is activated, restricting transfers, evaluations, and participation in projects using the staked PLMC.

Staking Rewards

Staking rewards for collators and their delegators are paid out in PLMC on a round-by-round basis. The effective staking rewards rate is determined by the amount of PLMC staked in relation to the total supply. The more PLMC staked, the less staking rewards per staked PLMC.

Each round, collator candidates are selected to join the active set, which is capped at 10 collators. If there are 10 or fewer collators, a selected candidate of the active set needs only a minimum self stake of 20,000 PLMC. Conversely, if more than 10 collators compete for the active set, only the 10 collators with a self stake of minimum 20,000 PLMC and with the highest total delegation (self stake plus delegator stake) become the selected candidates of the active set.

Each round consists of 1,800 blocks, distributed equally among the active collators using round-robin scheduling. Every block produced by a collator earns them 20 points for the round, with a maximum of per round. A collator’s share of the PLMC distributed each round is determined by dividing their score by the total points.

Calculation Example - Staking

Let’s assume that 750 PLMC is distributed for a round on Polimec. Recall that 90% is paid out to delegators and 10% to collators. Thus, is distributed to collators. Since the blocks are distributed equally among the active collators, and there were 10 active collators, each had the opportunity to create a maximum of during this round. However, collators can create more than 180 blocks in a round, particularly when other collators in the active set miss their blocks.

CollatorGenerated BlocksMissed Blocks

Collator 1



Collator 2



Collator 3



Collator 4



Collator 5



Collator 6



Collator 7



Collator 8



Collator 9



Collator 10



A total of 51 blocks - and thus 1,020 points - were reassigned. The Rewards Payout per Collator is calculated as:

(1) Rewards Payout per Collator=Round Points of CollatorTotal Round Points×(Total Round Allocation (PLMC)×0.1){\text{(1) Rewards Payout per Collator}}=\frac{\text{Round Points of Collator}}{\text{Total Round Points}} \times ({\text{Total Round Allocation (PLMC)} \times {\text{0.1}}})

e.g. Collator 1=2,90036,000×(750 PLMC×0.1)=6.04 PLMC{\text{e.g. Collator 1}}=\frac{\text{2,900}}{\text{36,000}} \times ({\text{750 PLMC} \times {\text{0.1}}})={\text{6.04 PLMC}}

To calculate the Rewards Payout per Collator, one must divide the points earned by each collator in that round by the total round points. Then, multiply this figure by the 10% allocation designated for collators, i.e. 75 PLMC. This means that a collator’s PLMC payout depends solely on their performance - specifically, on not missing any blocks - and is not determined by their total PLMC delegations once they have joined the active set.

However, the Rewards Payout for Delegators has not been considered yet. Since they constitute 90%, 675 PLMC is distributed to delegators. The Rewards Payout to Delegators is calculated as:

Rewards Payout to Delegators=(Total Round Allocation (PLMC)×0.9){\text{Rewards Payout to Delegators}}=({\text{Total Round Allocation (PLMC)} \times {\text{0.9}}})

e.g. Rewards Payout to Delegators=(750 PLMC×0.9)=675 PLMC{\text{e.g. Rewards Payout to Delegators}}=(\text{750 PLMC} \times {\text{0.9}})={\text{675 PLMC}}

To calculate the Rewards Payout to Delegators, one must multiply the total round PLMC allocation by the 90% allocation designated for delegators, i.e. 675 PLMC.

In a next step, the Rewards Payout per Delegator is calculated and distributed pro rata among all delegators of that collator:

Rewards Payout per Delegator=Round Points of CollatorTotal Round Points×(Total Round Allocation (PLMC)×0.9)×Delegator Stake per Collator (PLMC)Total Stake per Collator (PLMC){\text{Rewards Payout per Delegator}}=\frac{\text{Round Points of Collator}}{\text{Total Round Points}} \times ({\text{Total Round Allocation (PLMC)} \times {\text{0.9}}}) \times \frac{\text{Delegator Stake per Collator (PLMC)}}{\text{Total Stake per Collator (PLMC)}}

For simplicity, let's assume that Collator 1 has only 2 delegators - Delegator 1 and Delegator 2 - each of whom delegated an equal amount of 15,000 PLMC. Therefore, calculating the Rewards Payout per Delegator would involve:

e.g. Rewards Payout Delegator 1=2,90036,000×675 PLMC×15,000 PLMC50,000 PLMC=16.31 PLMC{\text{e.g. Rewards Payout Delegator 1}}=\frac{\text{2,900}}{\text{36,000}} \times {\text{675 PLMC}} \times \frac{\text{15,000 PLMC}}{\text{50,000 PLMC}}={\text{16.31 PLMC}}

It is important to note that the collators have a self stake of, i.e. 20,000 PLMC in the delegator allocation, and thus in Rewards Payout to Delegators. However, this portion of the rewards belongs to the collator. Therefore, considering the ratio of self stake to delegator stake, the Final Rewards Payout per Collator is calculated as:

Final Rewards Payout per Collator=Round Points of CollatorTotal Round Points×(Total Round Allocation (PLMC)×0.9)×Self Stake (PLMC)Total Stake per Collator (PLMC)+(1)Rewards Payout per Collator{\text{Final Rewards Payout per Collator}}=\frac{\text{Round Points of Collator}}{\text{Total Round Points}} \times ({\text{Total Round Allocation (PLMC)} \times {\text{0.9}}}) \times \frac{\text{Self Stake (PLMC)}}{\text{Total Stake per Collator (PLMC)}}+{\text{(1)Rewards Payout per Collator}}

Final Rewards Payout Collator 1=2,90036,000×675 PLMC×20,00050,000+6.04 PLMC=21.75 PLMC+6.04 PLMC=27.79 PLMC{\text{Final Rewards Payout Collator 1}}=\frac{\text{2,900}}{\text{36,000}} \times {\text{675 PLMC}} \times \frac{\text{20,000}}{\text{50,000}}+{\text{6.04 PLMC}}={\text{21.75 PLMC}}+{\text{6.04 PLMC}}={\text{27.79 PLMC}}

The following table provides these calculations, with the delegator stakes being assumptions.

CollatorSelf StakeDelegators StakeTotal Stake per CollatorRewards Payout CollatorRewards Payout Delegators

Collator 1

20,000 PLMC

30,000 PLMC

50,000 PLMC

Collator 2

20,000 PLMC

20,000 PLMC

40,000 PLMC

Collator 3

20,000 PLMC


20,000 PLMC

Collator 4

20,000 PLMC


20,000 PLMC

Collator 5

20,000 PLMC


20,000 PLMC

Collator 6

20,000 PLMC

30,000 PLMC

50,000 PLMC

Collator 7

20,000 PLMC

10,000 PLMC

30,000 PLMC

Collator 8

20,000 PLMC


20,000 PLMC

Collator 9

20,000 PLMC


20,000 PLMC

Collator 10

20,000 PLMC

100,000 PLMC

120,000 PLMC

When all the numbers are added up, the following final rewards payout for collators and delegators emerge:

CollatorFinal Rewards Payout per CollatorRewards Payout DelegatorsTotal Rewards Payout

Collator 1

32.63 PLMC

60.42 PLMC

Collator 2

33.56 PLMC

74.58 PLMC

Collator 3


72.92 PLMC

Collator 4


78.76 PLMC

Collator 5


70.83 PLMC

Collator 6

42.52 PLMC

78.75 PLMC

Collator 7

23.62 PLMC

78.75 PLMC

Collator 8


78.33 PLMC

Collator 9


78.33 PLMC

Collator 10

58.75 PLMC

78.33 PLMC

If a collator fails to perform their required functions, no rewards will be distributed, including for their respective delegators. If a parachain block is invalid, validators will reject it, and the affected collators will lose further validator backing. This differs from validators and their nominators on the Polkadot Relay Chain, as they face slashing risks for erroneous or malicious behavior. Hence, there is no slashing for collators on Polimec.

Relationship between the Polimec parachain and the Polkadot Relay Chain:

Last updated


© Polimec 2024.