Funding Application

  • For Issuers

Contribution Token Registration

Once an issuer is credentialed, the issuer applies for the registration of a new contribution token by specifying the following parameters:

  • Token information:
    • Name
    • Ticker
    • Smallest denomination
  • Total allocation of contribution tokens available for the funding round
  • Minimum price per contribution token
  • Target funding amount in USD equivalent
  • Maximum and/or minimum ticket size
  • Maximum and/or minimum number of participants for the auction and community round
  • Funding round thresholds for retail, professional, and institutional participants
  • Participation currencies (e.g. stablecoins, DOT, KSM)
  • Issuer destination accounts for accepted participation currencies (for receiving contributions)

Calculation Example

Project Information

The issuer provides project-specific information to the community, encouraging evaluators and participants to contribute. To give a comparable information basis for all stakeholders to perform due diligence, submitting the following information is mandatory:

  • Whitepaper
  • Team description
  • Tokenomics
  • Total supply of mainnet tokens
  • Roadmap (next 12-36 months)
  • Usage of funds

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