Funding Round

  • For Participants

Once the evaluation period has concluded with the required minimum evaluator backing, the funding round starts. It is structured around an auction, community and an optional remainder round if not all tokens have been sold. The allocations of contribution tokens available for the respective participant categories and rounds are set in the issuer specifications.

The participant contributes in the funding round with the participation currencies (e.g. stablecoins, DOT, KSM) and within the range of the eligible amounts. These funds are transferability-locked until the funding round ends. The funds are released to the issuer at the end of a successful funding round, and the protocol automatically issues and distributes the contribution tokens to the participants. The contribution tokens are transferability-locked and automatically converted to the issuer’s transferable mainnet tokens at launch. If the funding round is unsuccessful because the minimum threshold in relation to the target funding amount is not reached or the issuer rejects the funding, the funds are returned to the participants, and the contribution tokens are not issued.

Polimec cannot dispose of the funds at its discretion or interfere in the flow of funds. The protocol executes all token transfers according to the network rules and settles between the different network participants in a trustless and direct manner.

Calculation Example (Cont.)

Auction Round

The auction round is designed with the primary objective of achieving price discovery. It is exclusively open to professional and institutional participants. The issuer uploads project-specific information to a data room, which is accessed by eligible participants to conduct their due diligence, and sets a minimum price per contribution token as the for the auction round.

Participants in the auction round submit bids during either the opening or ending period. During the opening period (t=4d), eligible participants can submit their bids that are taken into account with certainty. During the ending period (t=1d), i.e. the , the auction round can conclude at any (unknown) moment. Bids submitted after this moment are not taken into account anymore, i.e. the candle has run out.

This mechanism incentivizes participants to bid during the opening period, since placing bids during the ending period leaves them uncertain whether the bids are submitted after the auction has already concluded.

Polimec’s auction round, divided into opening and ending period:

Polimec’s auction round

After the candle auction closes, eligible bids from professional and institutional participants with the highest price per contribution token win. If the total amount of contribution token bids is higher than the amount of contribution tokens allocated to the auction round, the protocol prioritizes bids from highest to lowest price. This process is called quota bidding. Quota bidding involves continuously reallocating a fixed amount, specifically 10% of the amount of contribution tokens allocated to the auction round (Q0), to higher bidding prices. This increase in the bidding price is also fixed at 10% of the minimum price per contribution token (P0). If participants submit bids at the same price, they are prioritized according to the time they were submitted. Consequently, the most recent bids with the lowest price are replaced first.

Following is a high-level illustration of the auction round mechanism. It demonstrates the amount of contribution tokens allocated to the auction round, symbolized by the genesis tranche (T0) which, in the example below, has already been surpassed in the opening period. A comparable scenario may also present itself during the closing period, depending on the bids and point in time in which the candle auction ultimately concludes.

Polimec’s high-level auction round mechanism:

Polimec’s auction round

Polimec’s quota bidding structure:

TrancheAmount of Contribution Tokens (Q)Price per Contribution Token (P)
T0=Q0xP0 (genesis tranche)Q0=fixed in funding applicationP0=fixed in funding application

The token price is determined ex-post as the weighted average of the winning bids that amount to the target funding (in contribution tokens). Winning bids are those submitted by participants on time and at the minimum price per contribution token (genesis tranche) or at a higher price when the genesis tranche is full. Thus, it might also be that, especially if demand is high, all winning bids fall at higher prices than the minimum price per contribution token. The weighted average token price also determines the token price for all participants in the community round, and - if there is any - for the remainder round.

The following rules apply for participants with winning bids:

  • Winning bids below the weighted average price are executed at their bid
  • Winning bids above the weighted average price are executed at the weighted average price

Calculation Example (Cont.)

The protocol automatically defines the winning bids from the auction round, and consequently, the weighted average price, using the following procedure:

1. Identifies eligible bids (in retrospect)
2. Ranks bids from highest to lowest and sorts bids from latest to earliest
3. Calculates weighted average price
4. Adjusts bids that are above weighted average price

Calculation Example (Cont.)

Participants can participate with any cryptocurrency accepted by the issuer. The conversion rate for the participation currency (e.g. DOT, KSM) to USD applies at the time of placing the bid. Similarly, when placing the bid, the PLMC/USDT conversion rate determines the USD equivalent amount the participant can contribute - in combination with the multiplier applied.

Community Round

In the community round, all participant types with no winning bid in the auction round are eligible to participate. The price of the community round is the weighted average price, which was determined in the auction round. The round concludes if the target funding amount is reached (i.e. all the allocated contribution tokens are purchased) or the 5-day period ends. Settlement of the participation amounts to the issuer account takes place 7 days after the end of the funding round.

If the target funding amount is not reached within the 5 days period, all participants have the opportunity to purchase the remaining contribution tokens, also at the weighted average price (remainder round).

Calculation Example (Cont.)

Remainder Round

The remainder round is triggered only if the total amount of tokens allocated by the issuer for participation are not purchased in the auction and community round. In the remainder round, all participant types are eligible to submit fresh bids.

Calculation Example (Cont.)

Multipliers and Vesting Periods

Participants can apply in funding rounds based on their credential type or, for retail, the number of past participations in funding rounds. The multiplier then defines the necessary PLMC amount to be bonded and, in turn, determines the duration of the vesting period of their PLMC and mainnet tokens.

The multipliers are implemented considering industry practices and different risk categories of the participant types. The higher the multiplier, the longer the vesting period. For all participants, the vesting period of the PLMC bonded to participate in the funding round starts 7 days after the funding round is completed. Contribution tokens are transferability-locked until mainnet launch of the respective project, at which time the contribution tokens are converted to mainnet tokens. For mainnet tokens, the vesting period starts 7 days after the project’s mainnet launch. For both PLMC and mainnet tokens, vesting periods are subject to individual linear unbonding illustrated below.

Linear vesting schedule:

Vesting Periods

Multipliers for retail participants, given the number of funding rounds they participated in:

Number of Funding Round Participations on PolimecMultiplier

Retail participants can participate with 1x the value of PLMC bonded for a funding round without any vesting period. This multiplier increases up to 10x depending on the number of funding rounds they participated in. Depending on the applied multiplier, retail participants are subject to varying vesting periods on the PLMC, and any mainnet tokens received in return for their participation. The of the total amount varies between 0-20 weeks (with linear unbonding).

Professional participants can participate with up to 10x the value of PLMC bonded for a funding round. Professional participants determine which multiplier they want to apply when participating in a funding round. Depending on the applied multiplier, professional participants are subject to varying vesting periods on the PLMC, and any mainnet tokens received in return for their participation. The unbonding of the total amount varies between 0-20 weeks (with linear unbonding).

Institutional participants can participate with up to 25x the value of PLMC bonded for a funding round. Institutional participants determine which multiplier they want to apply when participating in a funding round. Depending on the applied multiplier, institutional participants are subject to varying vesting periods on the PLMC, and any mainnet tokens received as a result of their participation. The unbonding of the total amount varies between 0-52 weeks (with linear unbonding).

Multipliers, vesting periods, and vesting schedules for the different participation categories:

Vesting Period0-19.5 weeks0-19.5 weeks0-52 weeks
Vesting ScheduleLinear unbondingLinear unbondingLinear unbonding

Auction Round - Multipliers and Vesting Periods

Participants that bidded during the auction round are either professional or institutional participants. Given distinct credential types, these participants have different maximum multipliers: professional participants can apply up to a 10x multiplier, while institutional participants can leverage up to a 25x multiplier. The participants’ selection of multipliers influences the PLMC to be bonded and the vesting period.

Calculation Example (Cont.)

Community Round - Multipliers and Vesting Periods

Participants that bidded during the community round are either professional or institutional participants that were not successful in the auction round, or retail participants. In this context, with the weighted average price already established, the price remains fixed, eliminating the need for further adjustments. Nevertheless, a crucial point, especially for retail participants, is that the maximum multiplier they can apply depends on the funding round in which they participated.

Calculation Example (Cont.)

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