
Participants contribute to funding rounds of projects on Polimec. A trusted third party attests and classifies them into the following categories based on their financial circumstances, governance status, or professional experience:


The credential category retail is assigned to individuals who do not qualify as professionals.


The credential category professional is assigned to individuals who:

  • are considered , or

  • possess the necessary knowledge based on education, professional experience, or comparable experience in the financial sector to understand the risks of financial decisions and have at their disposal assets of a certain amount


The credential category institutional is assigned to legal entities (non-natural persons) that qualify as professionals, such as:

  • Regulated financial intermediaries (e.g. banks, fund management companies, securities dealers, asset managers, regulated insurance companies, etc.)

  • Companies with dedicated professional treasury departments

While professional and institutional participants are needed to a project economically, retail participants fulfill further funding needs and form an essential part of community building and a distributed token holder base. The three credential categories are based on terminologies that are commonly used in traditional financial markets.

Funding rounds on Polimec are structured to ensure the participation of all three participant types at a similar price, with transparency in token allocations, multipliers, and vesting schedules. The participant categories impact the multipliers and corresponding vesting periods.

Last updated