Challenges in Fundraising

One of the main unresolved obstacles to innovation and growth in fundraising is the efficient allocation of capital. To achieve capital efficiency during fundraising, all stakeholders’ incentives must be aligned. Fundraising possibilities as of today are still highly trust-based, centralized, dominated by opaque and inefficient procedures, and limited to the network of projects and/or intermediaries.

  • Centralized processes with inherent counterparty risk: Given the decisive role centralized funding platforms and other intermediaries currently play in project funding, they effectively act as gatekeepers by imposing non-transparent terms and processes on issuers and participants in their self-interest. Relying on intermediaries in the funding process leads to counterparty risks and exposes issuers and participants to the intermediaries’ inefficient, error-prone, and arbitrary practices.

  • Misalignment of stakeholder interests and information asymmetries: Centralized funding providers leave participation opportunities up to an individual’s arbitrary judgment and preferences. Intransparency in token allocations, prices, and vesting periods for different types of participants only adds to the information asymmetry between the various stakeholders. This can lead to dire consequences for disadvantaged participant categories, the community, and issuers, and carries a significant reputational damage risk.

  • Limited accessibility: Early-stage funding opportunities today are only accessible to corporations and individuals rooted in narrow and, in most cases, exclusive circles. Similarly, centralized funding platforms limit the optimal allocation of capital and access to funding rounds to their client base - which usually is limited to a specific target group. The exclusion of certain participant categories, jurisdictions, and high entry barriers restrict the establishment of a diversified participant/future token holder base.

  • High costs and lengthy lead times: Today, projects allocate substantial time and effort to fundraising. Performing funding rounds is time-consuming, stressful, and can negatively impact the project’s development plans. Turning to intermediaries or centralized funding platforms, on the other hand, almost always involves upfront payments and high fees. Instead, projects should be able to focus on creating valuable business models.

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